Ako môžem urobiť rezerváciu?

Svoju rezerváciu môžete urobiť prostredníctvom formuláru na našej web stránke alebo kontaktovať priamo reštauráciu telefonicky alebo e-mailom.

Prosím berte do úvahy, že Vaša rezervácia je garantovaná maximálne 15 minút po plánovanom čase príchodu. O zmene počtu hostí, času, prípadne zrušení rezervácie informujte aspoň 90 minút pred svojím príchodom.

Reštaurácia môže v prípade rezervácií mimoriadnych udalostí a väčších skupín požiadať o zálohovú platbu alebo poskytnutie garancie platobnou kartou. O takejto požiadavke budete vždy vopred informovaní.

Do you have a dress code?

We do not have a formal dress code and are welcoming our guests in whatever attire they feel most comfortable, while the majority of our guests are generally dressed in casual or smart casual.

Do you have highchairs for my children?

Highchairs are available for children and we do not require pre-announcement on accommodation of children.

Do you have vegetarian meal options?

As a steakhouse our main focus is of course on our meat, but we do have vegetarian options in the starters, salads, pasta and side dishes. Please have a look at our menus and we are certain you will find something.

Can I purchase vouchers from your restaurant and how do I redeem them?

We are offering gift certificates for easy purchase directly at the restaurant. If you are holding a voucher which you would like to redeem after dining, please inform our staff when requesting the bill, in order for us to offset it during check the out process.

Do you have free Wifi?

All our restaurants offer free Wifi, please ask our employees for the dedicated password.

Can you accommodate private/corporate events?

Our restaurant allows separate areas or floor exclusivity for your private or corporate events. If you wish to have a more casual pass around food and drink service or a sit-down dinner, with your group, please feel free to contact us with your specific request.

Are your meat products Halal certified?

All our meat products are Halal certified – The Arabic word ‚Halal’ means ‚permissable’ or ‚lawful’ and in the case of food, the Halal certificate ensures that the meat complies with the religious ritual, observance and is allowed to be eaten according to the Islamic Shari law.